AT the Virginia Tea Party Patriots (Twitter: #vtpp) Convention in Richmond. Today: Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), VA Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, former Gov. George Allen and former Sen. Rick Santorum and Lou Dobbs. Also, Congressional Forums.
At 10 a.m.: Congressional Forums
At noon: “The Impending Financial Crisis” w/ former Congressman Virgil Goode and Jim Bacon
At 1 p.m.: “States Response to Obama’s Overreach” w/Del. Bob Marshall.
From 2 p.m.-4 p.m.: General session w/ King, Paul, Cuccinelli, Allen, and Santorum
4 p.m. – 5 p.m.: Keynote speech w/ Lou Dobbs
also have run into some friends, including:
- Tom White of Virginia Right
- Lynn Mitchell of SWAC Girl
- Kat Wilton of Cathouse Chat
- Jim Bowden of Deo Vindice
- Just a Conservative Girl
We’ll be live-blogging throughout the day here: