“Dirty Deeds”

RPV just released the video:

But be sure to also listen to the parody:

Lyrics by Brian Kirwin and J.R. Hoeft

If you’re havin’ trouble making your ends meet
You got Obama blues.
Somebody thinks your money’s his instead
He wants some more from you.
More tax on sales. More tax on gas
Give him a little time.
He’ll take sales tax, gas tax, income- hey
And watch his budget climb

Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap

He won’t tell ya what he plans to do
That’s something he won’t say
He’s acting like he’s leanin’ all right wing
Until Election Day.
He’ll raise his hand. I understand.
We’ve seen it all before
Once Dems are in. Two-thousand-ten
Reach in your pocket for more.

Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap

If you, count on people who write the news
They’ll tell ya Creigh’s so deep
Cuz they’re the ones who listen to him speak
But never fall asleep.
They’re all alone. WaPO is owned.
This is his final stand
We’ll all see on November 3
Virginia’s McDonnell-Land!

Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
Dirty Deeds – Tax Increase
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap
A vote for Deeds and it won’t come cheap

Rest Stops Closed, Unionized, ACORN,
Tax Increase
Layoffs, Deficits, Higher Taxes!
Tax Increase
More Creigh Deeds – And he won’t come cheap
Poor Creigh Deeds – And he won’t come cheap

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