7th district Democrats nominate Trammell

The RTD’s Olympia Meola says Virginia’s 7th district Democrats have decided they really should field a candidate in November, just in case David Brat pulls off an epic upset. His name? Jack Trammell…and like Brat, he’s a professor at Randolph-Macon College:

Trammell, who serves as director of the Honors Program, teaches courses in disability studies in the Sociology Department at R-MC, and his expertise in disability research has taken him to a number of other places outside the U.S., including Eastern European countries (Romania, Poland, Czech Republic, former East Germany), where disability accommodation is a relatively new movement since the end of the Cold War.

His work at R-MC is strongly student-centered, functioning as part of the Higgins Academic Center. The research presented in Austria will appear in print soon in a peer-reviewed journal on disability issues in higher education.

A prolific writer, Trammell is the author of The Richmond Slave Trade: The Economic Backbone of The Old Dominion, the 2010 Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Silas House Volume II and Down on the Chickahominy: The Life and Times of a Vanishing Virginia River. In 2009 he won the Virginia Writer’s Club award for non-fiction for his Reflections of a Southern Gentleman Farmer, a collection of vignettes about life with his wife and children on his small farm in Louisa County.

Trammell, who joined the R-MC faculty in 2000, earned his B.A. at Grove City College and his M.Ed. and Ph.D. at Virginia Commonwealth University.

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