Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan to hold rally in Fishersville Thursday

In one of the biggest events to hit the central Shenandoah Valley in years, the Republican presidential team of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will hold a rally in Fishersville at the Expoland fairgrounds.

Doors will open at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, October 4, at Expoland with the rally slated to begin at 6:00 p.m. Country music star Trace Adkins will appear with them.

On Sunday afternoon an airplane was seen flying over Charlottesville pulling a banner than read, “Romney here 10/4.” There’s more than one way to get the word out.

You’re invited to a Victory Rally with
Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and
the Republican Team
Special Guest
Country Music Star Trace Adkins
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Doors Open 4:00 PM | Event Begins 6:00 PM

Augusta Expoland277 Expo Road

Fishersville, VA 22939

All attendees will go through airport-like security and should bring as few personal items as possible.
No bags, sharp objects, umbrellas, liquids, or signs will be allowed in the venue. Cameras are permitted.

To RSVP and get your ticket, please visit:

For questions, contact us at: [email protected] | (757) 279-8253

For Important Campaign Updates: Text (VA) to GOMITT (466488)

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