Virginia pastors, conservative leaders visit Gov. Bob McDonnell at Executive Mansion

Governor Bob McDonnell (R-VA) hosted a cocktail reception Thursday evening at the Executive Mansion for conservative leaders from around the Commonwealth including pastors and pro-life supporters.
Martin Brown, Commissioner of the Department of Social Services, and Mike Thomas, Campaign Manager for George Allen for U.S. Senate and First Vice Chairman of RPV’s State Central Committee.
From left to right: Alex Stanley, Director of Opportunity Virginia;  Fay Williamson, Virginia Federation of Republican Women; Dr. Judi Lynch, Principal of St. Gertrude’s High School; Nikki Sheridan, confidential policy adviser for VA State Board of Elections.
Steve Thomas, member of RPV’s State Central Committee and former chairman of Spotsylvania County Republican Committee (and fellow blogger).
Chris Freund, Vice President of Policy and Communications for the Family Foundation.


The Governor addressed the conservative crowd.


Mike Farris, Chancellor of Patrick Henry College & founder of Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). As a homeschool mom for 16 years, his was one of the first names I heard in the homeschooling community.
McDonnell family photos at the entrance to the Mansion.
Arriving …
… departing. “Let’s head out to dinner….”
Fay in the Executive Dining Room where the table was set up with lots of delicious goodies.
From left to right: Janet Kelly, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Sommer Hansen, President and CEO of Comfort Care Women’s Health Center in Staunton, VA; Director, Harrisonburg Pregnancy Center.


Julie Coggsdale (left).


Alex checks names off the list at the front gate as Capital Police officers watch from the background.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
Reception with Governor Bob McDonnell
Virginia Executive Mansion
August 23, 2012

Cross-posted at

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