In what is being called one of the top five political races in the country, and with polls still showing the candidates for U.S. Senate neck-in-neck, Virginia voters need to know the real Tim Kaine.
Tim Kaine’s tight friendship with Democratic President Barack Obama has made him support and stand by the President’s overreaching government programs including ObamaCare. Pointing fingers at Republican U.S. Senate candidate George Allen while making false or hypocritical accusations is simply smoke-and-mirrors, and Virginians deserve better.
In his latest campaign email, Tim Kaine tries to raise money by claiming, “This campaign doesn’t rely on special interests with deep pockets.” Oh, really? Keep reading.
The whiny memo also warns Democrats that, “… Allen’s Cavalry is swooping in to bring us down.”
Kaine’s own record brings him down. Remember the Million Mom March debacle in 2000 when Kaine was mayor of Richmond and tried to use taxpayer money to bus anti-gun protesters to DC? How about the closed interstate rest areas in the final months of his administration? Remember his last budget as governor that didn’t receive one single vote, not even from his own Party?
And then there’s his last-minute behind-closed-doors decision to pardon double-murderer Jens Soering, who had savagely butchered a Bedford County couple: “On his last full day as Virginia governor, Tim Kaine quietly asked the U.S. Department of Justice to allow Soering to return to his native Germany — where he might serve as few as two years in prison.” Thankfully, newly-inaugurated Gov. Bob McDonnell put a stop to the pardon three days later, Soering still sits in prison, and Virginians are still safe from this murderer.
Here’s a brief roundup from the blogosphere “Calvary”:
– Bearing Drift: Kaine’s campaign doesn’t rely on special interests? by J.R. Hoeft also reports on the widely-distributed memo and comes back with his own examples of Tim Kaine taking money from special interest groups:
Entitled, “BREAKING: The Cavalry Strikes Again,” Henry entreats potential Kaine backers to donate funds because outside groups are supposedly going to run ads that criticize Kaine’s record.
Henry likely fears ads that will be critical of Kaine as DNC chair championing ObamaCare when he said it will “go down in history as one of the great achievements of this president” and his attempted release of a notorious murderer, Jens Soering, after only two years of prison despite receiving two life sentences, in order to save the Commonwealth money.
Does the Kaine campaign read its own memos?
– Kaine Is Not Able: Timmay Says He’s Not Specially Interested, a good capture of falsehoods in the Kaine campaign, wrote:
[Kaine campaign manager Mike] Henry’s comedy routine goes on to say, Tim Kaine is the one who made tough choices, cutting billions from state spending while preserving the core economic and educational priorities that made Virginia the best managed state in the nation.
Well, as long as you didn’t have to pee.
And remember, Kaine’s budget, after all died an ugly death when it was voted down 97-0. Kaine couldn’t even sell his tax hiking agenda to his own party.
As for Kaine’s “tough choices” here’s a little better depiction of what the Kaine years were like.
– The Washington Post: U.S. Chamber of Commerce launches ad blitz to praise Allen, attack Kaine by Ben Pershing who wrote, “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is jumping into the Virginia Senate race, launching separate ads for George Allen and against Timothy M. Kaine as part of a multistate media campaign. … One chamber spot, titled ‘Blueprint,’ praises Allen for his record on economic issues.” Check out the videos of the ads.
– National Journal and Richmond Times-Dispatch have more on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce working to help George Allen and discredit Tim Kaine.
– Bearing Drift: Tim Kaine’s Quandry by Brian Schoeneman, who wrote:
Chairman Kaine is in the uncomfortable position of being between a rock and a hard place. In this case, it’s the Catholic church vs. his support for President Obama.
The uproar among Catholics over the Obama Administration’s sweeping change to the conscience clause – a clause that exempts religious institutions from requirements that are antithetical to their faiths – is probably President Obama’s biggest gaffe of the 2012 election cycle. It puts him directly at odds with the largest Christian community in the United States. And it may have an impact on the Virginia Senate race.
His unwillingness to abandon the President has been part of Kaine’s campaign philosophy from the beginning, and as former Cheerleader-in-Chief of the Democratic Party, he isn’t exactly in a position to run away from Obama even if he wanted to. This stands in stark contrast to many Virginia Democrats, who would have rather been caught hugging President Bush than be seen anywhere near President Obama in 2010 and 2011.
– Politico: High profile Catholic Dems bail on Obama on contraceptives by Scott Wong who wrote, “President Barack Obama’s contraceptives edict has handed Republicans an election-year gift. But now, the president may have a problem with his own party, too.” Check out the chart to back up his statistics.
– Bearing Drift: Kaine’s still anti-gun and tips his hand on Personhood by Norm Leahy who wrote, “… there is one issue on which Kaine is unshakeable: his disdain for guns.”
– Defeat Tim Kaine has more on the Million Mom March, writing, “Kaine funneled taxpayer funds to support the Million Mom March who support Brady laws. He equated his monetary support to routine legislative lobbying.”
– Probably the most disturbing of all, however, is the Soering murder case in Bedford. Sheriff Michael Brown wrote about the tragedy when Soering murdered his girlfriend’s parents: ” ‘Freaked out’ by the Haysoms’ objections to his relationship with their daughter, Soering went to their house on April 3, 1985 — and butchered them. According to police reports, he used a seven-inch knife to stab Mr. Haysom 37 times and Mrs. Haysom six times. His attack was so brutal that he nearly decapitated the couple.”
If Kaine’s pardon had stood, Soering could now be out of a German prison and free.
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Lynn Mitchell is Editor-in-Chief of Bearing Drift.