Del. Steve Landes announces re-election

Del. Steve Landes (right – R-25th House) in the 2011 General Assembly session
on Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling’s Bloggers Day.

It was no surprise to hear on Tuesday that veteran Delegate Steve Landes would seek re-election for a ninth term in the Virginia House of Delegates to continue representing the citizens of the 25th House District.

Reporter Bob Stuart with the Waynesboro News Virginian covered Landes’ Weyers Cave stop at Blue Ridge Community College, one of three throughout Landes’ district on a rain-drenched day. Economic development and education were high priorities on his list of things to do, issues important to local supervisor candidates, too.

The newly redistricted 25th House District lost the city of Waynesboro but added parts of Rockingham and Albemarle to parts of Augusta County.

Landes, 51, is no stranger to politics, and has been involved since the 1980s. His quiet but determined demeanor has served him well as he has moved up in House leadership, evident by his endorsement for re-election from House Speaker Bill Howell.

Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell
February 2011

Cross-posted at SWAC Girl

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