Augusta County Supervisor Garber will not run for reelection

It is almost mid-May and, until tonight, none of the incumbent supervisors in Augusta County had announced if they were planning to run for reelection.

During matters to be presented by the board tonight, Middle River Supervisor Gerald Garber noted, “There’s a saying that you need to lead, follow, or get out of the way. I’m too busy to lead, and I’m not good at following, so I’m going to get out of the way.” He then said he would not seek reelection.

That leaves Middle River wide open for someone who may be interested in representing the northeastern part of the county. Interestingly enough, former Middle River supervisor Larry Wills showed up at tonight’s meeting. Talking with him afterward, he said he would be announcing his intention to run for the Middle River supervisor seat.

Three other candidates have come forward to run for supervisor: Kurt Michael (Wayne District), David Karaffa (Beverley Manor District), and Dr. Marshall Pattie (North River District). Jason Bibeau has announced as a candidate for Augusta County treasurer.

Cross-posted at SWAC Girl

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