Bolling announces $800K to JMU for wind energy research

Virginia Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling announced today that James Madison University will receive $800,000 from the government to further develop wind turbine testing, research and curriculum.

Speaking at JMU, Bolling said:

“The Small Wind Training and Testing Facility at JMU will help increase the potential for the growth of green jobs in Virginia, while advancing implementation of wind power across the Commonwealth. JMU, with its Virginia Center for Wind Energy, is well positioned to continue its leadership role in wind energy development and delivery of a training curriculum.”

Bolling announced that the funding will be used for “the training curriculum which would focus on small wind turbine safety, site assessment, installation and troubleshooting. It will also pay for the relocation of an existing tower to a new location; a new tower and turbine; instrumentation package; and equipment, materials and tools.”

Yesterday, the Republican administration announced an electric car initiative. Today’s announcement further shows Governor McDonnell’s commitment to an all of the above approach to energy reform.

If only our president were so wise and lifted the moratorium of offshore energy production.

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