I now understand liberals.
Took me years of talking to editorial boards and debating lefties before it hit me last night. It would’ve hit me during Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s speech, but the sentiments were equaled by so many other Democrats that by the time she took to the well, it was well made clear.
Democrats are voting for their own egos.
They are driven by little more than their place in history. They grew up reading about legislators voting for landmark legislation, and by golly, they were going to be like their idols that they geekily worshiped in grade school.
“..with great pride that we tonight will make history..”
“Just think! We will be joining those who established Social Security, Medicare..”
“we may not have chosen the time, but the time has chosen us”
It’s all about “us,” isn’t it?
“We have been given this opportunity, this is an opportunity to stay right up there with, again, Social Security, Medicare.”
“Making history”
That was just Pelosi in a few minutes, and she couldn’t stop drooling about getting her name into history books. I heard these sentiments over and over and over by Representatives who think the mirror should thank them in the morning for being allowed to reflect them.
That’s what drives liberals – their own self-importance.
That’s why they’d rather pass a law taking our money to “help the poor” rather than give up their own yachts, mansions and millions. It’s not about actually helping the poor. It’s not about actually helping those make a better start.
It’s about self-important egomaniacs getting their names remembered.