Registration for the Blogs United conference is open. Once again, Christopher Newport University hosts us at the David Student Union Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (doors open at 8 a.m. – breakfast and lunch provided).
This year’s conference features Rep. Rob Wittman, political beat writers Anita Kumar, Kimball Payne, Ryan Nobles, and Julian Walker, as well as Scott Hirons from the House Republican Campaign Committee. Additionally, Rep. Glenn Nye, Greg Scanlon of the Democratic Party of Virginia, Sen. Jim Webb, and Governor-elect Bob McDonnell have been invited. We’ll also review the election season, the latest legal issues facing the “new” media, and what’s new in technology.
Regardless of your political stripes, Blogs United always is a good and informative time. It’s also for everyone – not just bloggers.
Look forward to seeing you at CNU in two weeks!