A Rasmussen poll conducted after the Washington Post focus on Bob McDonnell’s writings 20 years ago gives McDonnell a 51-42 lead over his opponent Creigh Deeds, up from 49-41 a month ago:
To this point, just 49% of Likely Voters say they’ve followed news stories on this topic even somewhat closely. Twenty-four percent (24%) say they’ve followed the stories Very Closely.
Thirty-six percent (36%) say the writings are at least somewhat important in terms of how they will vote. Forty-nine percent (49%) say they’re not important. Nearly half of all Democrats consider the thesis important while two-thirds of Republicans say they are not. Among those not affiliated with either major party, 32% say the writings are important including 18% who say they are Very Important.
McDonnell still leads among independents by a large margin.
Also of note is views on the issues and trust:
McDonnell continues to enjoy a wide advantage on the issues of taxes and government spending. But, on the critical issue of transportation, voters are more evenly divided. Thirty-six percent (36%) trust McDonnell more while 35% trust Deeds and 30% are not sure. But those figures reflect an improvement for McDonnell. A month ago, Deeds had a four-point edge on the issue.