Speaker of the House William Howell (R-Stafford) announced today that there will be an inquiry into the conduct of Del. Phil Hamilton (R-Newport News) by the House Ethics Advisory Panel over potential conflict of interest violations.
Hamilton was working on legislation regarding the creation and state funding of a teaching center at ODU while also attempting to receive employment by ODU.
“It is my hope that the independent ethics panel will conduct and conclude its work as thoroughly and expeditiously as possible. It is important to me and the citizens in whose name all delegates serve to know whether Delegate Hamilton’s activities in this matter were legal and in keeping with expected standards of conduct for lawmakers,” said Speaker Howell. “Virginia has a reputation for good government and I want to keep it that way.”
During last night’s podcast, Shaun, Jason and I called for an independent ethics investigation into this matter and applaud the House leadership for taking this immediate action.
Of course, you can’t please everybody. Already Minority Leader Armstrong is whining:
“This afternoon, House Speaker Bill Howell announced that he has requested the House Ethics Advisory Panel conduct an investigation into the actions of Delegate Phil Hamilton, with the ‘unanimous concurrence of the other members of the House leadership.’
“I believe the Speaker misspoke, as I was not included in this discussion.”
Armstrong is claiming that the Ethics Panel does not conduct its business in a bi-partisan, expeditious, or transparent manner.
However, the panel does consist of the following leading citizens in Virginia: The Honorable Alfred C. Anderson of Vinton, The Honorable Bernard S. Cohen of Spotsylvania, Phyllis E. Galanti of Richmond City, The Honorable John H. Rust, Jr., Vice-Chairman, of Fairfax County, and The Honorable William Whitney Sweeney, Chairman, of Lynchburg.
I’m sure they’re pleased that Armstrong thinks so highly of them.
However, I too share Speaker Howell’s view that this inquiry be thorough and expeditious. And, despite Armstrong’s pathetic sniveling regarding being left out, he has a point about transparency too.
Therefore, let’s hope that the panel does conduct its inquiry in a way we can all be satisfied with. And, hopefully, we can gain an understanding as to the motive behind Hamilton’s actions and get to ground-truth soon.
But before concluding, I have to say something about Creigh Deeds and Jody Wagner.
Today, they both called upon Hamilton to resign, which is truly a sad case of leaderhsip.
Before rushing to judgment on Del. Hamilton and calling for his immediate resignation, we ought to recognize and respect our God given right as Virginians and Americans that the “accused” are given their day to explain themselves. As we are all too aware, there are generally two sides to every story.
Let’s hope, for the sake of the integrity of the General Assembly, and as an acknowledgment for all the good Hamilton has done for the Commonwealth as an educator and legislator, that he is given the chance to make his case. Right now, it doesn’t look too good for him, but denying him that opportunity, as Deeds and Wagner are calling for now, says more about their leadership and judgment than it does about Hamilton’s.
Speaking of Deeds and ethics, one has to wonder when he will resign.