AP Breaks the Frederick letter
Here is the letter in its entirety for the curious among you. Notice the issues with kickbacks (A reader suggested to me that this was not a correct term – would you deem money paid by the RPV to a private firm that the chairman owns a kickback? I’ll leave it to your judgment.), transparency and breech of security:
Notice of Intent to Remove Jeff Frederick as State Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia
We, the undersigned members of the State Central Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia, and in accordance with Article VII, Sections B and C of the Plan of Organization, do hereby call a meeting of the State Central Committee to take place at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 4, 2009 at the Richmond Marriott West, 4240 Dominion Blvd., Glen Allen, VA 23060. An agenda for the meeting is attached.
We further issue this Notice that removal of Jeff Frederick as RPV State Chairman will be sought at said meeting on the following charges:
1. Failure to transmit, in a timely manner, online contributions made to the Republican Party of Virginia and processed by his own company. Withholding 7% of online contributions made to the RPV for a period of weeks during the summer of 2008 after repeatedly assuring the Executive Committee that he was not using his company as a vendor for RPV. [ed. Chairman Frederick called this allegation “False and without merit”. Please see this post which includes a payment to Frederick’s company.]
2. Repeated failure to fully comply with a July 22, 2008 directive unanimously adopted by the RPV Executive Committee to disclose existing and pending contracts with vendors.
3. Unauthorized expenditures of RPV funds for unbudgeted activities without either State Central Committee or Executive Committee consent.
4. Failure to provide members of the State Central Committee with a reasonable time to review and consider the proposed 2009 budget prior to proposed adoption by the State Central Committee. Failure to provide one or more members of the State Central Committee with any opportunity to see the proposed budget prior to the meeting.
5. Disregard for the minimal rights of members of the State Central Committee to participate in discussion and debate at the December 2008 meeting by refusing to recognize numerous members attempting to speak and failing to ascertain the required 2/3 vote necessary to end debate. Lack of transparency in the budget process by giving members less than 36 hours to consider the budget rather than the usual three weeks.
6. Corruption of process by failing to conduct a proper vote on the 2009 budget by (1) beginning, but not completing, either a hand count or roll call vote, both properly called for; and (2) unilaterally declaring the vote result without even a partial count of those in favor and no count whatsoever of those opposed.
7. Failure to “promptly convene” the Appeals Committee upon timely receipt of an appeal of a ruling by the General Counsel.
8. Circumventing the State Central Committee by appointing committees and otherwise assuming Duties clearly prescribed in Article III, Section D. as duties of the State Central Committee without consultation or authorization.
9. Damage to the reputation and effectiveness of the Republican Party of Virginia through refusal to coordinate activities, including campaign messages, with Republican nominees for public office
10. Failure to notify the Executive Committee of a possible breach of security and/or compromise of security of data residing on servers and failure to act promptly to investigate potential breach when requested to do so.