Resolution Honoring Polly Campbell for 50 Years with Republican Party of Virginia

[Polly Campbell, well known by man for her 44 years as secretary of the Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee, passed away Wednesday, December 11, 2024, in Luray, Virginia. In 2014 RPV passed a Resolution honoring her 50+ years of service to the party. Originally published at]


A Commending Resolution in Appreciation and Gratitude to


For 50 Years of Service to the Republican Party of Virginia

WHEREAS, the Republican Party of Virginia wishes to recognize Polly Yager Campbell, a lifelong Republican who dedicated more than 50 years as a volunteer for the Party and many candidate campaigns, and

WHEREAS, Polly was born into a third generation Republican family and was raised to stand up with courage for the Republican convictions during the “Byrd Machine” years.  As a child, Polly witnessed those who supported Republican candidates not being considered for the few available jobs in the private sector in her community, and vowed to commit herself to changing her community and the Commonwealth, and

WHEREAS, Polly became active in the Republican Party in 1960 at a time where being a Republican remained unpopular and where there were few actively engaged women in the Republican Party, and

WHEREAS, Polly attended her first Republican National Convention in Chicago in 1960 as an appointee by the 7th Congressional District Chairman as an “Honorary Sargent-at-Arms,” and

WHEREAS, Polly became a member of the Young Republicans in the early 1960s and attended several Republican National Conventions as a Delegate.  She served on YRs along with fellow YR and future Governor John Dalton, and served as State Vice Chairwoman of YRs, and

WHEREAS, Polly served as the Young Republicans Representative on the State Central Committee for three years, serving with Governor Linwood Holton who was then a member of the State Central Committee, and

WHEREAS, initially encouraged to run for the position of Secretary of the Republican State Central Committee in 1968 by the late Federal Judge D. Dortch Warriner along with other members of leadership, Polly served with distinction as Secretary of the State Central Committee for 44 years from 1968 through 2012, and

WHEREAS, Polly was a Republican pioneer at a time when the GOP began to effectively chisel into the long-time Democratically-controlled government with the jubilant victory in 1970 of Linwood Holton as the first Republican Governor of Virginia in 100 years, marking the beginning of a Republican comeback in Virginia after years of dominance by the Democratic Byrd Machine, and

WHEREAS, Polly was a member of the RPV Party Plan committee chaired by the late Federal Judge Dortch Warriner, working to draft what is still in use as the foundation of the Party, and

WHEREAS, Polly was a volunteer and participated in the first ever Donald Huffman Republican Advance thirty years ago, held at Ingleside Resort in Augusta County in 1983, and

WHEREAS, Polly served as a District Delegate to the 1972 Republican National Convention and as a State Delegate to the 1988 and 1992 Republican National Conventions, and

WHEREAS, Polly’s dedication to the Republican Party has won her an Award of Honor from the 7th Congressional District Committee as well as receiving the “John Dalton Award” recognizing her contributions and commitment to the Republican Party, and

WHEREAS, Polly’s commitments to the Republican Party and our candidates were boundless.  Polly once donated six weeks of vacation time from her full-time paid position at Merck to volunteer at the late Congressman J. Kenneth Robinson’s headquarters in Winchester working twelve hours per day and paying for her own lodging, food, and transportation. Polly’s efforts on that campaign enabled her to witness the election of the first Virginia Republican Congressman in her lifetime, and

WHEREAS, Polly received appointments from Governors John Dalton, George Allen, and James Gilmore, serving on the Virginia Board of Commerce (now DPOR) under Governor Dalton and was appointed by both Governor Gilmore and Governor Allen to the Board of Nursing where Polly served from 1994-2002, and

WHEREAS, Polly was an active member and leader in the Page County Republican Committee for 50+ years.  While also serving on the State Central Committee, Polly served her local unit in Page County as a Vice-Chairperson, Precinct Chairperson, and also served as the Secretary-Treasurer in the 5th District, and

WHEREAS, Polly’s service to the Republican State Central Committee commenced at a time when the Republican Party of Virginia did not have a headquarters facility and spanned serving on State Central along with four Governors, several members who became Federal judges, several Attorneys General, Congressmen, and a host of state legislators.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party of Virginia State Central Committee offers its gratitude and appreciation for the unwavering dedication of Polly Yager Campbell,

AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that this resolution be approved by the State Central Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia on June 6, 2014.


See also Lunch with Polly Campbell … surprise presentation of RPV resolution

See also Polly Yager Campbell … growing up in the shadow of Shenandoah National Park


Polly Campbell, July 17, 2014 – Mimslyn Inn, Luray, Virginia

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