Saxman: Exclusive – State of the Race Polling Update


Tuesday at Noon

Zoom to discuss the State of the Race with

2021 Pollster of the Year Amanda Iovino:

Click here to REGISTER 

Tuesday. Noon.

Virginia FREE Annual Luncheon

December 18th at the Jefferson Hotel

Immediately following Governor Youngkin’s budget presentation to the Joint Money Committees.

Reception – 11am

Lunch – Noon

Adjourn – 1pm


VIPs attending thus far:

Attorney General Jason Miyares

Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Susan Swecker


Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera

Secretary of Commerce and Trade Caren Merrick Secretary of Transportation Shep Miller

Senator Jeremy McPike

Senator Glen Sturtevant

Delegate Terry Austin

Delegate Rob Bloxom

Delegate Betsy Carr

Delegate Mark Earley Jr.

Delegate Paul Krizek

Delegate Marty Martinez

Delegate Joe McNamara

Delegate Paul Milde

Delegate David Owen

Delegate Chris Runion

Delegate Holly Seibold

Delegate Phillip Scott

Delegate Kannan Srinivasan

Delegate Rip Sullivan

Delegate Anne Ferrell Tata

Delegate Wendell Walker

Delegate Lee Ware

Delegate Vivian Watts

Delegate Rodney Willett

Fairfax County Supervisor Pat Herrity

Frederick County Supervisor John Jewell

Paid Members of Virginia FREE have reserved seating

General Assembly members attend as guests of Virginia FREE and the Virginia Free Enterprise Foundation.

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