Bolling: Biden Withdrawal Could Be Bad News for Republicans
Yesterday, President Joe Biden announced he was withdrawing from the 2024 presidential campaign, yielding to concerns about his electability, not to mention his physical and mental health.
Biden immediately threw his support to Vice President Kamala Harris, and other key Democrats have already lined up behind Harris.
While many Republicans are celebrating Biden’s withdrawal from the campaign, his decision could be the worst possible news for Donald Trump.
Polls suggested that Trump was leading Biden in most key battleground states, but time will tell if Trump can maintain the same advantage over Harris if she becomes the Democratic nominee.
While Republicans will be quick to question Harris’ qualification to serve as president, the reality is that she does not carry the same political liabilities Biden had, especially those concerns relating to age and health.
And in fact, Harris, who could become the nation’s first female president, may do more to energize the Democratic base than Biden could ever do.
It will be interesting to see if Democrats continue to follow Biden’s endorsement and line up behind Harris, as opposed to considering other possible nominees.
It will be interesting to see how the Trump campaign chooses to attack Harris if she becomes the Democratic nominee.
It will be interesting to see who Harris chooses to be her running mate if she becomes the Democratic nominee.
And ultimately, it will be interesting to see how the next round of polls show Trump competing against Harris in key battleground states.
Stay tuned. The 2024 presidential campaign just become a lot less predictable.