U.S. House Schedule for Tuesday, June 11, 2024


On Tuesday, the House will meet at noon for morning hour and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business. First and last votes expected: 6:30 p.m.

Legislation Considered Under Suspension of the Rules:
H.R. 7988 – SPUR Act (Sponsored by Rep. Stauber / Small Business Committee)

H.R. 7989 – ThinkDIFFERENTLY About Disability Employment Act (Sponsored by Rep. Molinaro / Small Business Committee)

H.R. 8014 – Transparency and Predictability in Small Business Opportunities Act (Sponsored by Rep. Mfume / Small Business Committee)

H.R. 7984 – Rural Small Business Resilience Act (Sponsored by Rep. Pappas / Small Business Committee)

H.R. 7104 – National SBDC Advisory Board Improvement Act (Sponsored by Rep. Mann / Small Business Committee)

H.R. 537 – Forgotten Heroes of the Holocaust Congressional Gold Medal Act (Sponsored by Rep. Salazar / Financial Services Committee)

H. Res. 965 – Calling for the immediate release of Ryan Corbett, a United States citizen, who was wrongfully detained by the Taliban on August 10, 2022, and condemning the wrongful detention of Americans by the Taliban (Sponsored by Rep. Tenney / Foreign Affairs Committee)

H. Con. Res. 27 – Condemning Russia’s unjust and arbitrary detention of Russian opposition leader Vladimir Kara-Murza who has stood up in defense of democracy, the rule of law, and free and fair elections in Russia, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. Keating / Foreign Affairs Committee)

S. 138 – Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act (Sponsored by Sen. Merkley / Foreign Affairs Committee)

H.R. 6543 – No Hidden FEES Act of 2023 (Sponsored by Rep. Kim (CA) / Energy and Commerce Committee)

H.R. 2964 – WIPPES Act, as amended (Sponsored by Rep. McClain / Energy and Commerce Committee)

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