Augusta County

Augusta County Board of Supervisors Declares Local State of Emergency Due to Wildfires

Press release from Augusta County supervisors….

The combination of gusty winds and dry conditions has caused multiple wildfires throughout the county. In response, the Board of Supervisors has declared a local state of emergency effective immediately.
Post Date: 03/20/2024 5:21 PM

Verona, VA – March 20, 2024 – In response to the ongoing threat posed by high winds and wildfires, the Augusta County Board of Supervisors has declared a local state of emergency effective immediately. This decision comes as a proactive measure to ensure the safety and well-being of residents, property, and wildlife within Augusta County.

The combination of gusty winds and dry conditions has caused multiple wildfires throughout the county. The Board of Supervisors recognizes the urgency of the situation and has taken decisive action to mitigate potential harm.

In declaring a state of emergency, the Board of Supervisors is mobilizing all available resources to combat the threat posed by wildfires. This includes coordinating with local fire departments, law enforcement agencies, and emergency management services in addition to accessing state and federal resources to enhance preparedness and response efforts.

Residents are urged to remain vigilant and exercise caution during this time. High winds can rapidly spread wildfires, making them extremely difficult to contain. Citizens should avoid lighting any fire in open air until the emergency is lifted. This includes the burning of any wood, brush, logs, leaves, grass, debris, or other flammable material.

“We take the threat of wildfires very seriously, especially given the current weather conditions,” stated Jeff Slaven, Chair for the Board of Supervisors. “Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our residents, and we are taking every possible step to minimize the impact of these fires on our community.”

The Board of Supervisors urges residents to stay informed through local news outlets and official channels for updates on the situation and any further actions or advisories.

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