Augusta County

Augusta County: Augusta Free Press Reveals Yet Another Potential Scandal

Reporter Chris Graham at Augusta Free Press shared bombshell news Tuesday, the latest (see list of 34 links below) in a series of out-of-the-ordinary happenings surrounding the Augusta County Board of Supervisors (Criminal complaint: Two members of Augusta County BOS engaged in ‘malicious maneuver of retaliation‘).

Graham wrote:

“A state employee alleges that two members of the Augusta County Board of Supervisors criminally conspired to get her fired from her job because of her work with a third county supervisor to address issues with the decades-long illegal assessment of impoundment fees by the regional animal shelter.”

Serious charges but the state employee has receipts. Watch Graham on AFP’s Facebook page (scroll to video from Tuesday, Oct. 31) as he walks through the charges, results, and where it goes next.

Update: Graham has a follow-up article to further explain details in the criminal complaint: Who should lead the investigation into the Augusta County conflict of interest case?

Other AFP articles connected to this story….

Who should lead the investigation into the Augusta County conflict of interest case?

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District court judge delays ruling in Augusta County Freedom of Information Act case

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Judge to decide Augusta County closed-session recording FOIA case on Sept. 28

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