Early Voting Begins Today in Virginia

Press release about voting in November 2023 elections from Augusta County….

Voting in the November 7, 2023 Election

The General Election is on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Make sure you are registered and learn about the three ways you can cast your vote.
Post Date: 09/21/2023 4:12 PM

Between now and election day on November 7, 2023, you can follow these guidelines to get voting-ready. Find out what offices and candidates are on the ballot as well as sample ballots for your voting location here.

Eligibility to Vote

  • U.S. citizen residents of Virginia
  • 18 years or older, or who will be 18 by the next general election,
  • Not convicted of a felony or judged by a court as mentally incapacitated are eligible to register to vote. To have your rights restoredapply online or by email.


Important Dates

September 22, 2023 :  First day of In-Person Early Voting

October 16, 2023  :  Last day to register to vote or update existing registration.

October 17, 2023  :  Same Day Registration begins

5 pm October 27, 2023  :  Last day to apply for an absentee mail ballot

November 7, 2023  :  Mail ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before November 7 and received by 12 pm November 13, 2023.

3 Ways to Register to Vote

If you are already registered to vote at your current address, you can check your voter registration status at the Virginia Department of Elections (VDE).

If your name or address has changed, you should update your registration on or before October 16. Those who miss the October 16 deadline may still be eligible to complete a Same Day Registration.

Did you know that you can also find and download a voter registration form in 21 different languages?  https://www.eac.gov/voters/national-mail-voter-registration-form

Ways to Register:

  1. Online – Apply or Update Information Online :  You will need your Virginia DMV license.
  2. Mail / Mail Box  :  Mail or deliver in person.
    Download/ Find Virginia Voter Registration ApplicationVoter Registration Office
    18 Government Center Lane
    P.O. Box 590
    Verona, VA 24482
  3. In Person :  Applications available at the Voter Registration Office, 18 Government Center Lane.

3 Ways to Vote

There are three convenient ways to vote in the November 7, 2023, General Election.

  1. Early in-person voting will start on September 22, 2023, and will continue through Saturday, November 4. Come by the Government Center’s South Board Room, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 5 pm (closed between 1 – 2 pm).You can also vote on two Saturdays, October 28 and November 4, from 9am-5pm.
  2. Vote by Mail:  apply for an absentee ballot by October 27You can apply online for an absentee ballot with a Virginia driver’s license.If you do not have a Virginia driver’s license, you may apply finding the application here.  Carefully review the instructions to complete and return your ballot by:
    • Mail:  Voter Registration Office, 18 Government Center Lane, PO Box 590, Verona, VA24482.
      If you are returning your ballot by-mail, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the registrar by noon on Friday after the election.
    • Email:  [email protected].va.us
    • Fax:  540-245-5037
    • In-person: Return your ballot to the registrar’s office by 7:00 pm on Election Day.
  3. Vote on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7, 2023, from 6 am to 7 pm.
    Find your polling place by using the online portal at Virginia Department of Elections.

Learn more about the upcoming election and your options for casting a vote. Ask questions at the Voter Registration office in the Government Center, 540.245.5656 and [email protected].

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