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Fletcher: Day 4 – Old Man Bucket List Road Trip

[Editor’s note: Content partner Mike Fletcher is off on a road trip and Bearing Drift is going along for the ride. Be sure to check back frequently for his updates over the next two weeks.]

Monday, August 21….

The day begins with Wordle on the first guess: Wordle 793 1/6.

The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Today, Tulsa to Albuquerque.
The road goes ever on and on, down from the door where it began. Today, Tulsa to Albuquerque.
Amarillo by lunchtime.
Cadillac Ranch, Texas. Hitting all the important national monuments.
Texas / New Mexico Border.
Pajarito Rest Area, New Mexico.
Music to drive by.
#oldmanbucketlistroadtrip [1] #thereandbackagain [2] #grandcanyon [3] #route66 [4]