2023 Primary: Amanda Chase Lost but Claims She Won

While scrolling Facebook, I came across this from Curt Autry with WWBT NBC-12 in Richmond:

In a bold headline that reads “WE WILL NOT SURRENDER,” Amanda Chase, who lost her State Senate seat last night by losing the GOP primary to Glen Sturtevant, is crying foul. Chase claims she received the most votes on Election Day, but is suggesting some type of foolery happened in the early voting process, and says Sturtevant got 346 “illegal” votes – (but she’s not saying how – or offering any evidence). She does say she plans to seek legal counsel.

I suppose we wouldn’t expect class from the self-professed “Trump in heels.”

Tuesday Amanda Chase lost her primary bid in a three-way contest for State Senate between former Sen. Glen Sturtevant, Tina Ramerez, and herself.

Sturtevant won by 346 votes.

Chase is now whining, “Foul.”

Talk about snowflakes.

In 2006 while a large group of local volunteers sat in GOP headquarters and watched results from George Allen’s U.S. Senate election, the senator was ahead the entire time until the very end. That’s when a batch of votes from a Northern Virginia area that was heavily Democratic came in and he lost.

That’s the way it goes. It’s not unusual.

Claiming Glen Sturtevant lost with 346 “illegal” early votes is whiny on Chase’s behalf because it shows Sturtevant’s campaign was smart and got the word out about voting legally at the polls in the weeks before the primary.

My mom used to call crying after losing being a poor sport. Perhaps Ms. Chase should consider putting on her big girl pants and congratulate Mr. Sturtevant on his win. Here is her press release announcing she has no intention of doing that:


We Will Not Surrender

Sturtevant Losing Until 346 Illegal Votes Found in Early Voting

CHESTERFIELD, VA- Senator Chase plans to challenge Tuesday’s election results, disputing the early votes that took place during the 45 day early voting period that were done on voting computers that were not in compliance with Virginia State law. She’s currently seeking legal counsel to address concerns.

“We’re not asking for a recount. A recount won’t correct the problem. We will never know for sure if there were bad actors in the early voting certification process. We’re asking for those who acted illegally to be held accountable for their unethical actions during early voting.

Chesterfield GOP and Ethics Attorney Chair Leslie Haley and the Sturtevant campaign should be held accountable for their lack of judgment and clear conflict of interest that took place when Sturtevant’s campaign manager was illegally chosen as the sole Republican to certify early voting machines during early voting.

As stated in a press release on May 15, we have zero confidence that the early voting machines were properly certified. There should be consequences,” stated Senator Amanda Chase. “No voter should have been voting early on those voting computers until they were in compliance with Virginia State law.”

Senator Amanda Chase won the actual Election Day voting. In fact, she was leading all night Election Night by at least 2%, until the absentee votes were counted. It was only after absentee votes were counted that she came up short by 346 votes.

Senator Amanda Chase announced at her Victory Party last night that she would not concede until she was confident that the official vote count was correct and any election day concerns of voters were resolved.

“It’s time to hold those who put their “thumb on the scale” accountable. We must restore the trust and confidence of voters,” stated Senator Amanda Chase.

I am weary of the poor losers who learned to dig in their heels from Trump’s 2020 loss and refuse to accept the election results.

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