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Wade: Vengeance and Bigotry Have No Place in Virginia GOP Politics

One would think that a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for an elected office would be qualified for the job they seek to hold. One would also think that a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for an elected office should be electable in the general election.

If you agree with the two premises mentioned above, you would be highly disappointed in the candidate running for Chesterfield’s Commonwealth’s Attorney, as he is neither.

The candidate, Tom McKenna, has been chosen by a select few with a personal vendetta to challenge the incumbent Commonwealth’s Attorney.

Unfortunately, while the vast majority of the members of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee support Stacey Davenport, the incumbent Republican Commonwealth’s Attorney, a select group of others, affectionately known as “The Courthouse Crowd” has decided to divide the Republican Party in an effort to elect a different and more pliable Commonwealth’s Attorney, whether that happens to be their chosen “Republican” candidate, or the Democrat who is dishonestly running as an Independent. It doesn’t matter to them which one is elected just as long as it is not the actual Republican who currently serves in the office.

In their quest to find a candidate to run against a well-liked and qualified incumbent, they went through five people before they dug up their sixth-choice candidate.

Some might say he has a right to run. The problem with that is Tom McKenna has a past, just like a Biden judicial nominee, that he had hoped you would not discover. That includes past musings on his now defunct blog, Seeking4Justice. This blog, filled with beyond-acceptable viewpoints, is well known amongst the courthouse crowd and, worse, by the Democratic opponent the GOP nominee will face in November.

So what has Tom McKenna published that would cost the GOP a safely held seat if Stacey Davenport is not the Republican nominee? Let’s take a look.

In McKenna’s blog post, written on a workday at 9:02 am, the article titled “Presidents Day Thoughts” is filled with commentary that is cause for concern.

McKenna starts his rant against Lincoln:

“There’s alot of Lincolnmania this year…….. even the Catholic blogosphere is canonizing the “Great Emancipator.”

The McKenna post continues to vilify not only Lincoln but the 14th amendment; you know, the one that the Party of Lincoln espouses that grants citizenship to, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States,” thereby granting citizenship to formerly enslaved people.

Just like the liberal Democrats, Tom McKenna challenges the legitimacy of the Supreme Court and our Constitution as he proclaims:

“To this I would only add: no Lincoln forcing a union on people who did not want it, and no 14th Amendment.

“No 14th Amendment, no binding of the states to the policies formulated by the Nine in Washington.

“No binding of the states to the Will of the Nine, no abortion on demand (Roe v. Wade), no constitutional right to homosexual sodomy (Lawrence v. Georgia), no centralized micromanaging of states’ criminal justice systems.”

In many blog posts like the one above and below, we see the evidence of intolerance and bigotry that will not only cost the GOP a win in this seat but also be national news fodder for the Democratic machine to paint other GOP candidates as racist homophobic intolerant Neanderthals who are out of step with the electorate.

On Tuesday, February 5, 2013, in a blog post written on a workday at 12:20 titled, “And Water is Really Wet, Too,” Tom McKenna cites a study which states:

“If people think individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to have same-sex sex, they will also think that individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether to get married to a partner of the same-sex.”

McKenna adds his own conclusion in the end:

“No surprise then that repeated exposure to homosexual activity in porn reduces the moral opposition to it, and by extension, to its elevation as a behavior appropriate to recognize as equal to heterosexual marriage.”

This narrow-minded, intolerant, and homophobic mindset shows Tom McKenna is not fit to be the person granted the power to prosecute crime in the diverse population of Chesterfield County. The Commonwealth’s Attorney works on behalf of the people, all of the people, to seek the truth to find justice. With Tom McKenna you could be found guilty just because of who you are.

Are we not a proud nation of legal immigrants? Not if you are Tom McKenna. His identification of Hispanic students is nothing short of bigotry in this post. With McKenna on the ballot, the GOP can forget the Hispanic vote.

The one thing the Virginia GOP does not need to be associated with is the Alt-Right philosophies or symbolism. The Republican Party has denounced this ideology, but Tom McKenna supports it. The blog spot Neo Con-Tastic, shared to show support on McKenna’s page, should cause any Republican to question McKenna’s candidacy.

So after viewing Tom McKenna’s blog, it is quite apparent that if you are not a straight white male, he has an issue with you and objects to the rights granted to you by the U.S. Constitution and law.

His candidacy has to call into question the motivations of the Chesterfield Cabal that dug him up to run. Remember he wasn’t their first choice or second or third; they were scraping the bottom of the barrel for their sixth choice.

We must consider, with the current political climate and a county that Governor Glenn Youngkin only won by 2.2 percent, how the Chesterfield Board of Supervisors, School Board, other Constitutional Officers, and General Assembly candidates will win in November.

The Democrats have a much larger opposition file on McKenna than can be found on but isn’t what you see enough to understand that Tom McKenna has lost the seat before he has even started?

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