Turner: Lessons From the Field

By Thomas Turner

I have learned a lot about myself in the past few months. First, I let people take advantage of my kindness and use it for their own political gain with no regard of whose reputation they destroy in the process. Well, I won’t stop being kind, but will be more guarded than normal.

Second, I have been way too silent about the dark direction of the GOP. There are some bad faith actors both here in my home, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and nationally. The grifter class along with those who are pushing “Christian Nationalism” are not friends to the GOP or the conservative movement as a whole.

Third, and probably the most important, is the necessity of self care. Being slightly more aware of my mental health is important. Having “me” time is vital to my success. I can’t run on empty and expect to win! Acknowledging that it is okay to be “Thomas”-focused if it means walking away from toxic friendships and stepping back from bad situations to clear my mind.

Above all, 2023 has brought a lot of change so far, and much perspective. I am still growing, but learning to lean more on God’s guidance and grace each day.

Thomas Turner has been active in Virginia politics and campaigns since 2010 and has served in numerous positions with the Republican Party of Virginia and the Young Republican Federation of Virginia (YRFV). Currently he is Chairman Emeritus and State Central Committee representative for YRFV, and serves on the board of directors for the Young Republican National Federation (YRNF) as Southern Regional Vice Chairman. Outside Republican politics, Thomas serves on Governor Glenn Youngkin’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Board and was appointed by Speaker Todd Gilbert to serve on the Martin Luther King Legacy Commission. In addition, he is State Director for Conservatives for Clean Energy.
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