Bolling: Could Expulsion Like What Happened in TN Happen in Virginia?

This story out of Tennessee is bizarre: Tennessee House GOP expels 2 Democrats in retaliation over gun control protest, on ‘sad day for democracy’ | CNN.

I watched the actions of the two lawmakers who were “expelled,” and their conduct was clearly unacceptable and inappropriate.

However, I just don’t understand how the Tennessee House could “expel” them, which as I understand it, is tantamount to removing them from office.

I guess this is provided for in the Tennessee state constitution, but I don’t think something like this could happen in Virginia. I know that legislators in Virginia can be censured, and have been. They can be stripped of their committee assignments, and have been.

But I don’t think the legislature can unilaterally “expel” a member from the Senate or the House of Delegates. I guess they do things differently in Tennessee!

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