Allers Sr: I Will Be a Senator Who Actually Works For You
By Mike Allers
Whether you realized it or not, there is a rapidly approaching 28th Senate District Republican Primary on Saturday, May 6th. If you were unaware of this fact, you are not alone. It has been one of Virginia’s best kept secrets, because the establishment doesn’t want you to find out.
I’m Mike Allers, the challenger for the Republican nomination. As someone who has capably served in counties within the 28th for years as a coach, teacher, and school administrator, I would consider it an honor and privilege to be the next State Senator for the folks in the 28th District. In me, the folks of the 28th District will get a man uniquely dedicated to values long lost in our society.
I have been the proud husband to my wife, Camille, for 33 years, a father to three amazing sons. In addition, I am blessed to now be a “Poppy” to my first grandchild.
I am also an America First candidate who, like President Trump, understands that we stand strongest when we dedicate ourselves to our faith, embrace/protect the life of every child, adhere to the Constitution – especially the First and Second Amendments, support those we love, value our neighbors and communities, back those who provide service to us, especially our police officers, military current and past, first responders/firefighters, teachers, and clergy, and recognize the importance of our God-given rights as individuals in a free Nation.
Through a life of service, I have been personally challenged and measured. From wearing the blue and the badge to teaching to school administration, my efforts have always revolved around service to others. I, therefore, will serve the folks in the 28th District – WORKING FOR THEM, not for my own personal gain. I have always provided a voice for the parents and children during my nearly three decades in education where I informed and partnered with families, protected children from harm and CRT, and assured that all the children in my charge were given
opportunities to excel.
I want to bring that same success and commitment to this office – the only one I plan to seek. I strive only to be a State Senator, and I will not quickly turn my eyes, as my opponent often does, to higher offices to achieve greater power.
All too often, those we elect quickly morph into individuals bent on one thing-staying in office. The power, personal gains and advantages being in office provide are intoxicating for these folks. They come to define what most of us identify as typical politicians.
My opponent’s desire to “serve” the 28th is transient at best. He claims he wants to remain the State Senator in the
28th District, but how long will it be till his eyes fall upon a different seat for which he will contend? His most recent run for an office outside his current seat yielded a third place finish in the 7th Congressional Primary. Prior to that, he lost his bid for Lt. Governor. His signs tout he’s Conservative and Trustworthy, but his actions paint a different picture. He puts woke corporations first, signs on to bills like HB 257 that put children in harm’s way, censures conservative colleagues who exercise their First Amendment Rights, claims to be America Firs while standing with other politicians who disparage President Trump, and routinely blames others for his shortcomings on the Senate floor. When he was asked to support business owners during COVID, he turned a deaf ear.
While my opponent attends countless soirees, plans Derby Watch parties, and cozies up to woke companies and supporters, he neglects those he claims to represent – why should he get four more years to continue this neglect?
Unlike my opponent, who has ignored the march of progressive, leftist ideologies into our schools for the last 12 years, I have dedicated decades to providing/creating classrooms/schools that are without peer. I believe in education built upon excellence and individual achievement.
I believe that competition eliminates complacency, and parents/guardians are the ultimate judges and juries over where their children should learn, and should be the beneficiaries of 100% transparent decision making and curriculum. I will remain forever vested in the words I have told parents/families for years – I WORK FOR YOU.
I have traveled over 20,000 miles over the last year speaking with folks around the 28th. I understand the hardships you face, the conditions you live in, your worries and concerns about the education your children receive, the harm the unabated flow of opioids are doing to your communities, and the hopes and dreams you have that someone will come along to truly be your voice in Richmond.
I will WORK FOR YOU, proudly REPRESENT YOU in Richmond. Please consider voting for me on May 6.
Mike Allers is running for the Republican nomination in Virginia’s 28th Senate District.