Prominent Democratic Donor Files for PWC Board Chairman as a Republican

*Pictured above, Republican Jeanine Lawson & 3 Donors to Prince William County Democrats*

According to VPAP, Kenn Knarr has had a busy year.

It started just under a year ago, when Knarr donated $45 to Democrat Board Chairman Ann Wheeler on 4/28/2022.

Later, on 6/8, Knarr donated $50 to the primary campaign of Democrat Makya Little.

On 8/8, Knarr would drop a large check, sending $1,500 to Democrat Del. Luke Torian.

On 10/23, Knarr then donated $75 to Democrat Andrea Bailey‘s re-election campaign.

The same day, Knarr sent another $75 to Makya Little’s Democratic campaign account.

At the end of that month (just over 6 months ago) on 10/30, Ken Knarr then donated $5,000, again to Democrat Luke Torian.

On 11/29 of last year, Knarr then donated another $50 to Democrat Andrea Bailey.

Just over three months ago, on 12/16, Ken Knarr made three donations:
– Knarr sent $100 to Democrat Victor Angry‘s re-election campaign
– He then sent another $200 to Democrat Andrea Bailey (bringing his total to $335)
– Knarr then donated another $100 to Democrat Chairman Ann Wheeler

After the new year turned, on 1/8/2023 Ken Knarr celebrated by donating $1,500 to Democrat State Senator Jeremy McPike, the same day as his re-election kickoff & fundraiser.

Just over 2 months ago, on 1/20/2023, Ken Knarr donated $250 to Kerensa Sumers, the Democrat running for the special election in Gainesville.

That donation may have been connected to an event for an official Prince William County Democrats event for Sumers, attended by Knarr and Democrat Ann Wheeler just two months ago:


Just 65 days later, after a dozen donations totaling thousands of dollars over the span of a year to help elect Prince William County Democrats, Ken Knarr announced he’s running a primary campaign against Supervisor Jeanine Lawson for the Republican nomination for Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.

Prince William County Republicans will choose their nominee in a state-run primary on Tuesday, June 20th.

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