The following is part of The Moscow Primary [1], and irregular series [2] on yours truly’s speculations [3] regarding [4] the views of the 2024 Republican nomination contest from the most important player: the Kremlin.
While the carelessness of Joe Biden with classified documents is getting all the attention (and a justified appointment of a special counsel), a new CBS Poll [5] shows just how deep the pro-Kremlin rot is within the Republican Party.
From the WaPo [6]:
A new CBS News/YouGov poll [5] this week — the first to test the issue since Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke before Congress in December — is the latest to illustrate that drift. And despite Zelensky’s plea for American resolve [7], it shows that a slight majority of Republicans — 52 percent to 48 percent — want their member of Congress to oppose further Ukraine funding.
That’s right, a majority of Republicans would prefer to leave Ukraine helpless against Moscow. This is, of course, excellent news for Vladimir Putin. It is also good news for Donald Trump. No Republican can outdo Trump virulent hatred of Ukraine. They’ll certainly try, though, which will give the Kremlin an even stronger hammerlock on the GOP. Still, every Republican from DeSantis on down will have to play catch up in sucking up to Putin.
Are these Republicans not named Trump willing to sell out America’s allies and democracy abroad? Because their voters certainly are.