Bolling: Georgia Loss Was Avoidable

Well, the debacle in Georgia is finally over. Democrat Raphael Warnock has been re-elected to the United States Senate, and Republican Herschel Walker may go down as one of the worst candidates in the history of American politics.

Let’s be clear. This election does not show that Georgia is a Democratic state. Far from it. In fact, Republicans won every other statewide election in Georgia this year by 300,000 votes. A responsible Republican can win in Georgia, but a candidate as flawed as Herschel Walker cannot.

This election was all about Walker. He was a horrible candidate, and he should never have been the nominee of the Republican Party. There were much better choices, but Donald Trump endorsed Walker, and that was the end of that.

The lesson to be learned from Georgia – and for that matter, from New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and numerous other states – is that MAGA Republicans cannot win in competitive swing states. If the GOP continues nominating such candidates in these states, it will continue to lose.

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