Saxman: RIP Queen Elizabeth II; Biden’s Numbers Improving, Dems Up in Generic Ballot Among RVs

Rolling things about half speed this week down here in south Louisiana (St. Mary’s Parish – Baldwin).

General Assembly 2023 nominations election analysis will return next week.

Here is AP footage of Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Virginia in 2007. That was an amazing day – what an honor to be in the House Chamber to hear her address the General Assembly.

Briefly – Joe Biden’s numbers continue to improve:

SCOTUS has really taken a hit lately:

The Registered Voters v Likely Voters is still the difference right now in the National Generic Ballot:

Gas prices are better but still higher than a year ago:


It could be worse. We could be like the UK’s natural gas prices:


What goes up/must come down…spinning wheels/got to go ‘round…

And who doesn’t like ABBA?

Is the economy going stagflation? Well, that’s one part of the 70’s I don’t care to repeat but sure I could use a Pittsburgh Pirates World Series championship!

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