If It’s Fall, It’s Brunswick Stew Season

Put together a cool, rainy early fall weekend along with a friend staying over, and you have the perfect combination for Brunswick stew. That’s exactly what I did, making it Friday and then reheating in the crockpot on Saturday, allowing the flavors to meld and make it scrumptious. Here is the recipe from the “Virginia Hospitality” cookbook.

Brunswick Stew

1 whole chicken, cut up (I use boneless, skinless chicken breasts)
1 onion, quartered
2 ribs celery, diced
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
16 ounces white shoepeg corn
10 ounces frozen small butterbeans
1 pound canned tomatoes
2 small potatoes, cubed (I double or triple that amount)
1/3 cup ketchup
2-3 Tablespoons vinegar
1 Tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco
1/4 teaspoon marjoram (I omit this)
2-3 Tablespoons butter

Place chicken in Dutch oven and add enough water to cover well. Add onion, celery, salt, and pepper. Boil until chicken comes off bones easily.

Remove chicken to cool and add corn, butterbeans, tomatoes, potatoes, ketchup, brown sugar, and vinegar; cook 2 hours or until tender.

Remove chicken from bones or shred chicken breasts and add to vegetables along with Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, marjoram, and butter.

Serves 6-8.

Easily doubles to make it stretch further.

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