Bolling: Thoughts on Latest Wason Center Poll

This is one of the first polls I have seen on Governor Glenn Youngkin’s early job performance: New poll finds Virginia voters mixed on Gov. Youngkin’s job approval, proposals.

Republicans love him. Democrats hate him. No surprise there, but overall, only 41 percent of voters approve of Youngkin’s job performance to date. This is probably driven by the controversial nature of some of his early Executive Orders, and the overall partisan divide in the state.

However, the poll does find support for some of Youngkin’s signature proposals, including tax cuts, but opposition to other proposals.

It will be interesting to see if these numbers change once the legislative session is over and Youngkin has a chance to put his spin on things.

See also Wason Center Poll: Masks, Vaccines, Grocery Tax, CRT, Abortion, Environment | Bearing Drift

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