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Fletcher: Reading to Write

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.” –Stephen King

I need more time to read.

Edit: I need to make more time to read.

I’ve mentioned lately that I’ve started following Steven Pressfield (The War of Art, Do the Work).

Yesterday on his Writing Wednesdays [1] he wrote that we should Study the Canon.

In other words, read what’s out there. Read the classics. Read the experts.

I learned a while back that if I want to be a southern author, I need to read southern authors.

What? You don’t remember The Sound and the Fury of my trying to read Faulkner?

It’s true that I spent most of 2021 focusing on British History and authors. I’m still listening to both The British History Podcast [2] and Chopped Bard. [3] I may never finish.

It’s also true that I have a stack of books I need to read.

When I get the time.

Edit: When I make the time.

My challenge is setting aside that time and not falling asleep before I can read.

You don’t need me to outline my schedule and everything else I’m working on.

Just know that I’m acknowledging, once again, that I need to be reading more.

In fact it’s one of my Three Words for 2022 [4].

But just like the history that I wrote about yesterday, I’m never going to have enough time to read everything I want to read.

That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t try.

I could go on … but I think I’ll go read.

Photo by Ed Robertson [5] on Unsplash [6]