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Bolling: Post Election Day Thoughts


to Glenn Youngkin on winning yesterday’s gubernatorial election and earning the right to lead Virginia for the next four years. Youngkin proved to be a very good candidate who ran a very good campaign. He managed to energize the base of the GOP, while appealing to more moderate and independent voters by focusing on the issues they care about. He worked hard and smart, and he deserved the victory. I wish him well.


to Republicans in the Virginia House of Delegates, who appear to have won just enough seats to win back the narrowest of margins in the General Assembly’s “more numerous body.”. May they learn from the lessons of the Democrat’s defeat, and strive to govern in the center. Liberal abuses led to the Democrats rejection, and the same could happen to the GOP if they fail to understand this.


to the thousands of Republican Party leaders and activists who faithfully labored in the political vineyard for the past 12 years with little to show for it. Jean Ann and I still have many Republican friends across the state who did so much for us, and we rejoice for you. Winning really is a lot more fun than losing, isn’t it?

Finally, Congratulations

to everyone else who participated in this year’s electoral process, especially to former Governor Terry McAuliffe, who I know is disappointed this morning. Whether you won or lost, you entered the arena of issues and ideas and did your best. That’s what American democracy is all about, and you should be saluted for your willingness to put yourself on the line for the values you believe in. We need more people who are willing to do that.

And one final word of advice to my Republican friends on this victorious post Election Day morning – be gracious in victory. Remember, the prospect of defeat is just another election away.