How Stupid Does Glenn Youngkin Think We Are?

Mere days after Glenn Youngkin’s attempt to wink-and-nod the Big Lie forward blew up in his face, he tried (again) to pretend he said something he didn’t say (Virginia Scope).

Glenn Youngkin, Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial nominee, is pushing back after recent comments were released of him deflecting on a question about whether or not the courts can reinstate Donald Trump as president. “I don’t know the particulars about how that can happen, because what’s happening in the court system is moving slowly and it’s unclear. And we all know the courts move slowly,” Youngkin said when asked if he believed that Trump’s reinstatement would help Virginia Republicans.

Youngkin has stated multiple times that Biden won the election and now he is saying that he wants to focus on the future instead of the past. “As I tried to say politely the other day, there is no legal proceeding that will change the fact that Joe Biden and his liberal allies are dragging our economy down with their bad policies until 2025…”

Once again, Youngkin is talking out of both sides of his mouth in the hope that both Big Lie evangelists and those us in in the real world will only pay attention to what we want to hear. As our own Norm Leahy put it (WaPo), “He had the chance to put a stake through the QAnon cancer coursing through the GOP and didn’t.”

This was the second time Youngkin played footsie with the Big Lie and insulted the intelligence of every single Virginian.

Just this weekend, he did it again – attending an “election integrity” rally at Liberty University and hoping everyone forgets about it. The Richmond Times Dispatch has the details (emphasis added).

GOP gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin made a campaign stop Saturday at an “election integrity” rally in Lynchburg that his ticketmates opted not to attend, taking criticism from Democrats who said his appearance helped spread falsehoods about the 2020 election.

Youngkin also made campaign stops Saturday in Lexington and with police and first responders in Rockingham County and Staunton, tweeting photos from all three events. The Youngkin campaign did not promote his attendance at the Liberty event on social media.

Nice try, Glenn, but we still noticed.

The event itself was sponsored by the Fifth District Committee, the same folks who decided Denver Riggleman wasn’t good enough of a Congressman for them. Even Winsome Sears (GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor) and Jason Miyares (the party’s nominee for Attorney General) recognized hobnobbing with the folks who sent Bob Good to Washington was probably a bad idea.

But not Glenn, he chose to hang with the supporters of an anti-Capitol-Police, anti-Afghan Congressman.

Oh, Phill Kline was there, too (RTD).

Kline is a former Kansas attorney general whose law license was suspended indefinitely by the Kansas Supreme Court in 2013 over what the court found was a pattern of misconduct. He is an associate professor of law at Liberty University and has assisted in lawsuits challenging the results of the presidential election, the Kansas Reflector reported.

The event was closed to the press, and as of this morning (9 August) no one leaked whatever Youngkin said. Not that it matters much; we already know that within 48 hours of his words being revealed, Glenn will insist he either never said that, or didn’t really mean what he said.

Virginians are now compelled to ask: how stupid does Glenn Youngkin think we are?

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