Liberty University Has Not Agreed To Host RPV Convention?

A Liberty University spokesman put the brakes on an RPV convention this morning by saying everything was not in place, and promised a statement later today.

When members of State Central asked questions during Tuesday night’s SCC meeting, they were shut down by those pushing for a convention, and the Call was passed even though questions were not answered nor was there a contract or other proof the convention could be held at Liberty.

Basically what this does is throw everything into limbo so that the GOP nominees could eventually be chosen by State Central Committee, something Rich Anderson wrote to SCC members about months ago.

Here is the LU statement with correct facts that were misreported or not reported by SCC members Tuesday night. It also says that LU was not contacted about a change in date to May 8 (last night’s meeting was the first I had heard that date mentioned; previously it had been reported as May 1):

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