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Why I Voted for Joe Biden (and You Should, Too)

Far too many of the arguments surrounding the ongoing election revolve around Donald Trump’s behavior; Trump defenders actually have a point when they complain about that. Trump’s record is another story – but not one that should make conservatives more comfortable in voting for him. In fact, yours truly has found that Joe Biden is the conservative choice, which is why I cast my ballot for him in September.

I recognize that, for many conservatives, Donald Trump delivered on what they wanted: fewer people of color entering the country, continued withdrawal from the rest of the world, an end to democracy promotion, and tariffs against foreign imports. I further recognize – with great pain – that there are far more of these mid-20th-Century “paleo”-conservatives than there are late-20th-century “neo”-conservatives like me. However, I am not about to cede conservatism to the diseased, anti-intellectual, and deeply racist “paleo” strain that has arisen again to infect the movement.

I’d prefer a president who will not surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban [1]. Joe Biden is far from perfect on foreign policy, but he does recognize there is still an enemy to confront (Stars and Stripes [2]).

I’d prefer a president who recognizes that more democracy abroad strengthens democracy at home – and that more tyranny abroad weakens democracy at home. Joe Biden and I are sure to disagree on the methods of democracy promotion, but that’s far better than disagreeing on the necessity to do it. Biden understands that necessity (CNBC [3]). Donald Trump doesn’t [4].

I’d prefer a president who sees goods and services from our allies and fellow democracies as beneficial and not threatening. Joe Biden understands that (Straits Times [5]); Donald Trump and his supporters don’t [6].

I’d prefer a president who sees people as a resource, not a threat because they don’t look like he does.

I’d prefer a president whose policies would save the most pre-born children. As much as “pro-lifers” want that to be Trump, it just isn’t so [7].

Sure, the tweets and nonsensical speeches bother me, but not as much as his policy mistakes – and I’m not alone. Among the many reasons for the divisions within conservatism, Trump-defenders and anti-anti-Trumpers never seem to get that. Those of us in the Never-Trump movement aren’t swayed by the but-his-policies argument, because the policies were what led us to be Never-Trumpers in the first place.

So … if you’re the type of conservative who remembers with fondness Ronald Reagan’s call to win the Cold War, lead the world by example, and be the “shining city on the hill,” I humbly submit that Joe Biden deserves your vote.