Albemarle County Schools Indoctrinate That U.S. Constitution is Fundamentally Racist

In their coordinated and ongoing effort to destroy America student-by-student, Albemarle County Government Schools have reached a new low.

Inside sources reveal that all Albemarle County teachers are now required to model Constitution-based lesson plans on a new framework entitled: Does the Constitution Promote Equity.

In their study of the United States Constitution, Albemarle County students will be taught that “racism” is a “structural problem” in the America. In addition, they must be able to define “individual racism,” “systemic racism,” and “structural racism.”

Albemarle County Government School teachers must also imbue students with the spurious notion that “the Constitution was written with ideas of inequity and racism at its founding.”

And of course, when studying the U.S. Constitution, all students must be able to articulate the schools’ Anti-Racism Policy.

With government-sponsored inculcation like this, it’s no wonder that the overwhelming majority of Albemarle County Government School students grow-up hating America (and graduate voting Democrat).

Read the framework:

Does the Constitution Promote Equity

Essential questions: Can the Constitution promote equity today?

Students will understand that:

  • Racism is a structural problem
  • Racism is more than bigotry
  • That the Constitution was written with ideas of inequity and racism at its founding
  • The Constitution is meant to be a document that can be changed
  • The Constitution grows as the nation grows

Students will know:

  • The definition of individual racism, systemic racism, and structural racism
  • The Constitution can be amended
  • The branches of government get their power and their checks on power through the Constitution
  • The Constitution is the document that creates the government
  • The power of the government is given by the people of the nation

Students will be able to:

  • Make a claim and support it with evidence
  • Read sections of the Constitution and understand what they mean
  • Express their ideas in a clear manner
  • Articulate the ACPS Anti-racism policy
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