Never Doubt the Will of Determined Teenagers

If someone asked me a week ago what a “TARs” was, I would likely have said the latest punk rock sensation in Richmond. I would have been wrong.

I have come to believe, especially in politics, that more often than not, teenagers are either ignored by the adults or not participatory at all. So when I see a group of kids who have both the energy and passion to work for political candidates and campaigns, I am proud. After all, this generation will be taking care of me … and you … when we’re old.

The teenagers in my corner of Virginia have, once again, decided to go above and beyond. They are founding the newest chapter of TARs: The Teenage Republican Federation of Virginia.

From the national website:

Who are TARS?

Teen Age Republicans have a great opportunity to serve their community and country while learning about the political process.  As a TAR, you become aware of national and international issues and how current events impact your life.  With effective club programming, TARS grow into leaders and sway elections.  This can make a huge difference in how elected candidates enact laws that affect you!

National Teen Age Republicans is one of the three official auxiliaries of the Republican Party.  After graduating high school, you can move on to become a College Republican or a Young Republican (ages 18 – 40).  Many TARS run for local elections and get to network with influential leaders across the country.

TAR Clubs can be found in every state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, as well as overseas.  Clubs serve the community while expressing core Republican values.  You can start a club with your high school, home school students, county, city or region.

A recent Facebook post explains the intent of these great kids.

If you know or are a Virginia High schooler or teen and consider yourself a Trump supporter or a Republican and want to get more involved email [email protected] with your name, county/city, and phone number.

If there are any local units, woman clubs, or young Republican chapters that know someone that wants to get involved that is a teen tell them to email [email protected] with there name, number, and city/county.

Finally please share to your friends, family, community members, etc.

It is our goal to get more teens involved by founding a Teenage Republican Federation of Virginia, and we need YOUR help to be successful.

This effort is in addition to the NKYRC Trump Sign Delivery Service. That is a program the New Kent Youth Republican Club is offering for residents of New Kent County.

So, If you live in New Kent County, and would like a Trump yard sign delivered to you for free, just fill out the form here:

This is the next generation of Republicans. They deserve all the support their party can give them!

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