Enough is enough. Until it’s enough.
Nevermind the fact that Virginia State Senator Amanda Chase (I-Chesterfield) has Amy Klochubar levels of dysfunction when it comes to the treatment of her staff.
Nevermind the insatiable degree to which Chase covets attention, either from the media or from her own neighbors and friends.
For those unfamiliar with Amanda Chase’s reign of shame, the litany is perhaps too long to recount:
- Chase has bucked conservative stalwarts such as State Senator Bill Stanley (R-Rocky Mount) by voting for tax hikes on commuters [1] with rates as high as $46 dollars on tolls.
- Chase has remarked that only the “naive and unprepared” get raped [2].
- In a profanity fueled tirade, Chase verbally assaulted Capitol Square Police officers after being refused to park within a secure area, going so far as to call the Clerk of the Senate “Mrs. Piggy” and tell the police officers [3] — I kid you not — “Do you know who I am? I’m Senator Chase!” in her soft, entitlement voice.
- Even local Second Amendment activists have felt her Karen-like powers [4] as Chase attempted to take over a local Facebook group, then threaten legal action when the actual owners did not acquiesce.
- Chase sponsored a bill in 2016 that would require teachers to advise K-12 students if their reading material involved any indecent content from writers such as Pulitzer Prize winner Toni Morrison [5], whose works Chase described as “creating a date rape environment.”
- By the way, did we mention Chase was actually thrown out of the Chesterfield County GOP [6]?
- …and was also thrown out of the Virginia Senate Republican Caucus for her antics?
- As of just last week, the same Senate GOP condemned her racially charged support for Confederate monuments [7] as “idiotic” and out of step, marring the integrity of those who simply want to preserve history with alt-right buffoonery.
Amanda Chase’s new hobby horse as she attempts to maintain relevance by running for the Republican nod for governor in 2021? Preserving white history [8].
Yes. White history.
Not to be deterred after receiving the shocked “nuh-uh” from the entire world, Chase chose to double down in true Corey Stewart fashion.
Naturally, that’s not what Republicans have ever stood for.
As for my fellow Republicans — or at least those of us who remain — welcome to your time for choosing.
If you can’t draw the line here, you can’t draw a line anywhere.
For six years, we have been plagued with this nonsense of racially charged politics. We thought it would stop; it has only gotten worse. Not because these people have any actual strength, but solely for the reason that we have chosen not to stand up for what we actually believe.
And so these voices have defined us. But not anymore.
I am calling on Chairman Jack Wilson and the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia to hold an emergency meeting and declare that Amanda Chase has disqualified herself from consideration as a candidate for public office in Virginia, that she is not a member of the Republican Party in good standing, and that she has violated the RPV Creed in both spirit and word.
After this, the full State Central Committee of the Republican Party of Virginia should call a special session to drum Amanda Freeman Chase [10] out of the GOP — or we can surrender any moral claim to governance in any quarter of Virginia.
Time to exercise that right of free association we’ve been talking about since 2003, and to hell with the consequences. Anyone who subscribes to this filth isn’t someone worthy of elected office — PERIOD.
Do not wait to do this.
Amanda Chase’s “white history” line is nothing more than dealing in trash — and she knows it. Throw her out and redeem what remains.
Cover image: Columbus statue in Richmond’s Byrd Park. Photo by Smash the Iron Cage.