NPR-PBS News Hour-Marist Poll: Majority of Americans Cautious During Pandemic

In a new NPR-PBS News Hour-Marist poll, Americans responded to a question about testing for coronavirus. Without further testing, Americans were asked if it was a good or bad idea to do the following:

-Return to work: Good idea, 32% … Bad idea, 65%

-Dine in restaurants:  Good idea, 19% … Bad idea, 80%

-Reopen schools:  Good idea, 14% … Bad idea, 85%

-Attend large sporting events:  Good idea, 8% … Bad idea, 91%

No state has yet met federal guidelines calling for 14-day consecutive drop in cases. In Virginia, cases are still on the rise. Medical experts warn a second wave of the virus could be back in the fall and winter.

Other findings from the poll….

Who do Americans want to handle the economy?

-Joe Biden: 51%

-Donald Trump: 44%

Who do Americans prefer to handle the coronavirus crisis?

-Joe Biden: 55%

-Donald Trump: 40%

Who is doing a better job handling the coronavirus pandemic?

-State’s Governor: 64%

-Donald Trump: 32%

Approval of President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic:

-Approve: 44%

-Disapprove: 55%

Who cares more about people like me?

-Donald Trump: Yes 39% … No 58%

-Joe Biden: Yes 57% … No 35%

This poll’s findings confirm other polls from the past several days. Find more of the NPR-PBS News Hour-Marist poll here.

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