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Drivers’ Privilege Cards (SB34) Legislation Passes State Senate

In his latest Emmett’s Virginian Voice [1], Senator Emmett Hanger (R-Augusta) addressed Drivers’ Privilege Cards, SB34, to help clarify what exactly it is, and what went into the final version:

SB34 (Drivers’ Privilege Cards) is getting all kinds of attention right now. You will see online it has gone through multiple gyrations and substitutes. I have worked to make sure the bill, as it passed the Senate, is good for citizens.

The bill deals with offering a driver’s privilege card to our community members who are living here but are undocumented. Here are some FACTS about the bill and why I support the version that has passed the Senate. It has specific criteria and benefits us all.

The federal government has not adequately dealt with immigration, to protect our borders and improve the convoluted and often long process of becoming a US citizen. Because they have not acted, we must, and this bill will allow undocumented people who are working and paying taxes here in Virginia to be legally on our roads while they continue the process for legal status.

DMV now will have three levels of credentials:


2) the standard drivers’ license we have now;

3) and this new driver privilege card.

To get this “drivers’ privilege card” an undocumented immigrant must:

  • Pass the DMV written and driving road tests, comply with the rules of the road and have car insurance
  • Have filed VA tax return within the past year
  • And Law Enforcement will be able to access their records and address because they will be in the DMV system
We ALL benefit from this legislation because:
  • In a lot of cases, these people were already driving – but now they are required to pass the same knowledge tests so our roads will be safer. And our courts and jails won’t be dealing with people who are arrested for simply driving without a license or insurance. We can better focus on enforcement of driving infractions and the police have access to their records.
  • These drivers will be more likely to stay at the scene of an accident rather than flee, because the police have their home address and information. They also will be safer drivers because they must take the driving tests.
  • The DMV database is often used by law enforcement for cases other than driving violations. Police will have access to their home address and can use this resource as they pursue investigations.
  • The Commonwealth is anticipated to get additional revenue (estimates of upwards of $17M) because these drivers will now be paying the DMV fees and registering cars.
  • It is valid for only 2 years.
  • And the $100 issuance fee ($50 renewal after 2 years if applicable) covers the cost of the program for the cardholder.

There is broad support of the legislation as it passed. I did vote against an earlier version that stripped out all the criteria and offered a full-blown drivers’ license rather than a drivers’ privilege card but we reworked this language so that we got all the strict criteria added back into the bill that passed.

The House has passed a very different version of this bill, which we will amend and if the criteria are not maintained I will vote against the bill.

See also:

-‘Let’s Talk Honestly About Guns [2]‘ – Sen. Hanger addresses some of the false information currently circulating in social media