Matt Walton Live-Blogging Michael Bloomberg Campaign Stop in RVA

Bearing Drift contributor Matt Walton is covering Democratic candidate Michael Bloomberg’s appearance today at Hardywood Brewery in the Scott’s Addition area of Richmond and is sending over updates and photos. These are his photos and his words….

Bloomberg for President Virginia State Co-Chair

The event is lively with great enthusiasm. The venue is packed and people are having a great time; very well organized. The campaign is a highly functioning machine.

The event has already reached overflow capacity so they are setting up audio outside. Lots of press and even international press.

“In 2013 I was a very big supporter of Terry McAuliffe for Governor. I am running to defeat Donald Trump and to restore honor to our country … to start putting the word “united” back in the United States.

“We need less partisanship and less tweeting … when I’m in the Oval Office there will be no tweeting.

“I have a record of reaching across the aisle and getting things done. I’m taking on the NRA by creating a group of six million people …

“… getting it done by fixing a broken immigration system and creating a pathway to citizenship.”

Photos by Matt Walton

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