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Dixville Notch, NH, Primary Voters Select Bloomberg

It’s primary day in New Hampshire, and Dixville Notch’s tradition of voting at midnight [1] continued this year with some interesting results. Democratic candidate and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg received votes in both the Republican and Democratic columns:

Dixville Notch


-Mike Bloomberg: 2 votes

-Pete Buttegieg: 1 vote

-Bernie Sanders: 1 vote


-Donald Trump

-Mike Pence

-Mike Bloomberg: 1 vote

Two other New Hampshire locations that vote at midnight reported their results.

Hart’s Location


-Amy Klobuchar: 6 votes

-Elizabeth Warren: 4 votes

-Andrew Yang: 3 votes

-Bernie Sanders: 2 votes

-Joe Biden: 1 vote

-Tulsi Gabbard: 1 vote

-Tom Steyer: 1 vote


-Donald Trump: 15 votes

-Bill Weld (former Massachusetts governor): 4 votes

-Mary Maxwell (Concord native): 1 vote



-Amy Klobuchar: 2 votes

-Joe Biden: 1 vote

-Pete Buttigieg: 1 vote

-Bernie Sanders: 1 vote


-Donald Trump: 16 votes

-Bill Weld: 1 vote

And there you have it … results from the midnight voters who have kicked off Primary Day in New Hampshire. Voting will continue all day. Follow news and receive results from WMUR Channel 9 [2].