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Rules Are Rules … Take 2

Yesterday I wrote Rules Are Rules … Until They Do Not Apply? [1]

Today as I was drafting this follow-up post, there was one piece of the information that left a few questions outstanding in my mind. I thought … if I had these questions, maybe you would too.

I understand there are going to be people who don’t appreciate my opinions, but my sedulous nature demands that I provide as much information as possible when writing about factual situations. This subject is not lacking in complexity, and I was able to find some additional material. So….

The original post [1] included a letter that was sent to the Chairman of the 1st Congressional District, Mr. Bob Watson, by the King William County Chairman, Mr. John Hubbard. The letter was very well written while also being very strongly worded.

Mr. Hubbard seems to be frustrated by the manner in which the 1st CD Committee, or (in this case) more specifically its chairman, has been perpetuating the lawless (or rule-less) culture that has taken hold of some local units. Obviously, I share his frustration, but he is in a position that enables him to take action when he deems it necessary, and he’s a-deeming now.

I am aware of some of the past actions of the 1st Congressional District Committee, limited to the meetings I watched on video. But this is different. The congressional district committees are like the parents to local units. Whenever “the kids” aren’t playing by the rules, the CDs are supposed to bring them back to reality.

However, due to the aforementioned structure of the RPV, lately, when there is an issue or problem that a unit can’t resolve, the CD committees have been acting as a rubber stamp for some of the units on their way to “Grandaddy”… the State Central Committee. This is all wrong … like “not a right angle in it” wrong.

This pattern of wrong was the reason for Chairman Hubbard’s letter to Chairman Watson. Mr. Hubbard, as Chair of King William, is a member of the 1st CD committee. On September 14, the 1st CD held its regular meeting. Mr. Hubbard sent Ms. Yvonne Broaddus with his proxy to attend the meeting in his stead. This is where I will let the letters explain what happened.

Mr. Hubbard wrote:

“On September 14, 2019, the 1st District Republican Committee held a meeting at which my duly recognized proxy Yvonne Broaddus made a Point of Order as allowed by Roberts Rules of Order. As attested in her signed letter to me subsequent to the meeting, her written testimony clearly shows that as Chairman, you assumed her question before allowing her to speak. Your abrupt response and her knowledge of the 1st District Committee’s disregard for the governing rules of our organization intimidated Mrs. Broaddus.”

Okay, the way I read this leaves a feeling that Ms. Broaddus was basically bullied into silence. But my feeling is not as productive as letting Ms. Broaddus explain her experience in her own words. Interesting [2].

“As your proxy, I attended the referenced meeting. Prior to roll call, I called a Point of Order and was recognized by Chairman Robert Watson.

“I was able to say ‘Mr. Chairman, the gentleman from Hanover is in violation of his bylaws.’ Chairman Watson interrupted me by saying that ‘the matter had been resolved.’ Not clear on exactly what he was referring to, I asked ‘do you know what I am asking,’ at which point the Chairman told me ‘you have 30 seconds,’ clearly intimating I had 30 seconds to sit down and shut up.

“…  The Chairman went on to further explain that with Congressman Wittman present, he was not going to entertain “that issue” again. The Chairman then told me had he allowed me to complete my point of order, he would have tabled the issue and worked to resolve it later. Finishing by saying that my point of order, and supporting documents should be submitted to him via email.”

Excuse me, but what is going on with these committees? In this case is Nick Collette some sort of Hanover hero, so extraordinary that his sitting in the Chair for Hanover is worth the shit-stain on the reputation of the 1st Congressional District? My apologies, but there is simply no other way to describe this situation … this level of total disregard for the rules that has done real damage to the reputation and unity of the units and CDs involved.

I was a member of the Chesterfield County Committee for several years. Because that is the committee I am most knowledgeable about, it is the committee whose operations (with aid of the State Party Plan) I use as a gauge.

And apparently, even these years later, the CCRC still operates as a local unit committee should. I haven’t been in the CCRC for a while now, so I was thinking about what to use as a good example … and BAM! [3] Karma obliged. NOT because of any perceived, yet another, Amanda Chase scandal … but because the CCRC did exactly what was required under the State Party Plan based on the Senator’s own actions.

Now, there is a valid debate to be had about that plan, and when it might be time to amend it. That time is not today. But as long as it remains the governing document that ALL committees are required to abide by, they should follow the provisions of that plan.

Anyway, Ms. Broaddus’s letter shed some needed light on the nature and tone of Chairman Hubbard’s letter, and that was the purpose of the update. Conclude what you will. If I happen across any other relevant information, I will update it again.