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Photos from First Day of 2019 Highland Maple Festival

Every March for over 60 years Highland County has welcomed visitors to its sugar houses, businesses, and scenic back roads for the annual Highland Maple Festival that will continue this weekend, March 16-17. For more about the festival, see Mountains, Sheep, Maple Syrup … 2019 Highland Maple Festival [1].

Last weekend, after a snowy Friday, we headed out early Saturday morning on the first day of the festival — not as early as usual since we waited to be sure roads were not icy — and headed west from Staunton.

Route 250 was clear as we drove through a winter wonderland of snow-flocked trees, passing through portions of the George Washington National Forest along the way. VDOT snow plows were heading east after a night clearing road surfaces, and they did a great job. No snow, no ice, no sliding. Thank you, VDOT guys!

As we ascended Shenandoah Mountain, the clear roads are obvious even thought morning temps hovered around 28 degrees. The following are photos from a snowy day in Highland County, Virginia.



Maple everything can be found at the festival but this was my first time with maple coffee. Not being a coffee drinker, I have no idea how it tastes.
The Sapsuckers had a foot of snow at Highland’s highest sugar camp but they were business as usual. It’s gorgeous up there — the views are stunning from on top of the world.
Mr. Mitchell bought honey from this entrepreneur set up on the side of the road.

Looking down at Monterey from Rt. 250 as it crosses Jack Mountain.



On the way to Duff’s Sugar House at Fair Lawn Farm.
Jackson River

Fair Lawn Farm and Duff’s Sugar House out back, owned by Terri and Tim Duff. Located south of Monterey, Tim makes maple syrup the old fashioned way even at a time when most use more modern equipment.
Mill Gap

Blue Grass Valley
Entering Monterey on Rt. 220 from the north.



Rt. 250 heading east toward Monterey

Rt. 250 entering Monterey from the west
Monterey Main Street (Rt. 250)

This weekend the snow has melted for the most part (Sapsuckers may still have snow on the ground) and temps will be in the low-mid 40s and sunny. Enjoy the beauty of western Virginia.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
March 9, 2019