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Marshall Pattie: ‘I’m Running’

Standing at the front door of a local business, Megan Marshall greeted everyone who approached the door of the local business.

Inside, with a room full of supporters and media, Supervisor Marshall Pattie, 41, announced that he would be seeking the Republican nomination for the 25th House of Delegates district. Delegate Steve Landes announced Tuesday he would not seek re-election [1] of the seat he had held since 1996.

Pattie briefly spoke about his desire to represent the district in Richmond where he would continue his conservative record. Mentioning that he felt changes were needed, he added that fiscal responsibility was a must, and he would pursue some issues that have been front and center for him in Augusta County including availability to the internet for rural areas.

In response to a question about his supervisor position, he noted he would not seek re-election to the board but would serve out his term.

The Republican firehouse primary will be held April 27 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The three candidates, one from each of the three counties in the district, include Rockingham businessman Chris Runion and Albemarle resident Richard Fox.

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell