Statement from Virginia House Speaker Kirk Cox

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox issued the following statement on Wednesday.

“The last seven days have been tumultuous for our Commonwealth. The revelations against and admissions by the leaders of the executive branch are disturbing.

“The allegations of sexual assault against Lt. Governor Fairfax are extremely serious. The Lt. Governor, the alleged victim, and Virginians all deserve a full airing of the facts.

“The belated admission from Attorney General Herring is shocking. He should adhere to the standard he has set for others or he loses credibility.

“These current controversies will be resolved in due course. In the meantime, we will continue our work on the budget and the hundreds of bills remaining before us. The General Assembly will steadily continue with the business of governing on behalf of Virginia’s 8.4 million citizens.

“The people should be confident that our work continues unimpeded and that the Commonwealth’s 100,000 state employees also continue to serve without disruption.

“Our diverse Commonwealth has been deeply shaken by these developments, but nonetheless remains economically vibrant, fiscally sound, safe and secure.

“We have weathered the storms of four centuries and will weather this one as well. We continue to pray for Virginia during this difficult time.”

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