Today: First Day of 2019 Virginia General Assembly Session

They’re baaaack.

Celebrating the 400th year of the oldest legislative body in America, all 140 representatives from communities across the Commonwealth have returned to Richmond for today’s opening of the 2019 Virginia General Assembly session that will convene at 12:00 Noon.

This is a “short session” year (odd numbered) — 30 days as opposed to 60 days for “long session” years (even numbered) — unless both houses of the General Assembly vote to extend it to 45 days. That would require a two-thirds vote from the House of Delegates and the State Senate.

For all the latest information about bills, visiting your legislator, maps of buildings and offices, street maps, parking, restaurants, and everything else surrounding the next two busy months in downtown RVA, check the Virginia General Assembly website. Check here for the calendar.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch has in-depth coverage, up-close-and-personal, of what happens during session including bills (and follow-up), the side stories, the back stories, and the men and women who are at the center of it all.

To add even more interest and intrigue, all 140 legislator seats will be up for election in November.

For the political junkies in the Old Dominion, this is a great time to be alive. Enjoy the coming weeks of politics overload!

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